Forum Bingo

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  1. Forum Binghamton
  2. Forum Bingo Blitz
  3. Forum Cosmic Bingo
Check out the patch notes for the February 18th update:
[NEW MILLETIANS] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.
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Hyper Bingo Event

Mabinogi Rep: 20,380

Forum Extra Bingo. Hey everyone:), There is the 3rd Forum Bingo! I will do it every month. Same process as the previous ones: - You will have to give me 10 n umbers between 1 and 300 under this post. You can't take 2 identical numbers. Bingo books/sheets can be got from up to 5.00pm on the day of the game. (There is also a post-out option available up to 3 pm on the day BEFORE the bingo session). If after purchasing you do not receive a confirmation email, please. Already had the. scented candles on the 2020 bingo cards. A forum community dedicated to Glock firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about. Bingo books/sheets can be got from up to 5.00pm on the day of the game. (There is also a post-out option available up to 3 pm on the day BEFORE the bingo session). If after purchasing you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your ‘SPAM' / ‘JUNK' folder, as it could be gone in there.

Member, Administrator, Nexon
edited December 15, 2020 in Vault

Forum Binghamton

Caravan Joe has returned after successfully infiltrating the Order of the Black Moon and wants to thank his savior for protecting him with the Hyper Bingo event! Complete the Bingo Board to earn rewards such as the new Eclipse 2nd Title, Etain Miniature, Mini Winter Outfits, and more! Check out the full details on the webpost.
Event Dates: Thursday, December 17th, After Maintenance - Thursday, January 14th, Before Maintenance


  • I was excited when I first read about this event. If you know anything about the coupon collector's problem, though, it's obvious that even perfect attendance is extremely unlikely to reward you the wings, and it's still unlikely to reward you the gold box. The only thing that's guaranteed from perfect attendance is the title and mini because of how the dupes work, which is something to look forward to I guess.
  • the wings are pretty OP and it would make festia completely worthless if everyone got it.
  • I wish they would give us one more week, those of perfect attendance would have at least one chance, I know many who will need 5 or 10 stickers to do it.
  • I wish they would give us one more week, those of perfect attendance would have at least one chance, I know many who will need 5 or 10 stickers to do it.

    I haven't even completed my third board yet and I've had perfect attendance. Basing events off of RNG with failure isn't exactly the best for morale...
  • I wish they would give us one more week, those of perfect attendance would have at least one chance, I know many who will need 5 or 10 stickers to do it.

    This event is designed to be almost impossible. Otherwise, tons of people would be getting 200-300m wings and the market would crash on them. It's more of a lottery system, if anything. I highly doubt they'll extend it for any reason short of the servers being unavailable for several days.
  • I wish they would give us one more week, those of perfect attendance would have at least one chance, I know many who will need 5 or 10 stickers to do it.

    This event is designed to be almost impossible. Otherwise, tons of people would be getting 200-300m wings and the market would crash on them. It's more of a lottery system, if anything. I highly doubt they'll extend it for any reason short of the servers being unavailable for several days.

    Then why put it in at all? Why not put it in a gacha?
    Isn't the whole point of events to be rewarded for participation? And then only to fail despite flawless participation?
    Why should the 'market' dictate people actually getting anything they could've been trade restricted. Why has this game became more about playing the market than playing the -game-?
    As it stands right now, it's just another slap in the face. Being told that 'You can get X!' only to have no hope in actually getting it besides buying it from someone who gouges the prices, so they can do the -exact- same thing the next new item rolls around.

  • Then why put it in at all? Why not put it in a gacha?
    Isn't the whole point of events to be rewarded for participation? And then only to fail despite flawless participation?
    Why should the 'market' dictate people actually getting anything they could've been trade restricted. Why has this game became more about playing the market than playing the -game-?
    As it stands right now, it's just another slap in the face. Being told that 'You can get X!' only to have no hope in actually getting it besides buying it from someone who gouges the prices, so they can do the -exact- same thing the next new item rolls around.

    I mean instead of everyone getting something small, this event is about potentially getting something huge. It's not huge if everyone gets it though (and they do plenty of events where everyone gets the top prize for perfect participation, this just isn't one of those events).
    The bonus is that this is an event. It's free. You don't have to buy gacha to have a chance at getting the item. You can also choose not to participate. The market is important to the game creators because it impacts how and where they can make money. I doubt they would want to demolish the value of festia wings since they can potentially include it in a gachapon later and use it for profit (which is needed to keep the game running).
    tldr; if you don't like this event, there will be more opportunities to get a guaranteed prize. It just likely won't be as valuable
  • I agree that it was kind of rude to make the event so short knowing full well almost no one can complete the board all 4 times. To Maia's point of, it's a company and company needs to make money, so they make it a 0.001% chance anyone will get the wings for free so they can stick it in gacha later, sure, I can see where you're going with that, but Nexon has no problem ruining the market on expensive items in game.
    It's been done countless times where an item is released once, made super rare and super expensive, only to be released a few months later and the drop rate increased tenfold to the point where the item is worthless, so the argument of them being aware of the price and not wanting to ruin it doesn't have much validation to me. But that is just how I think about it.
    It is nice that yes, it's an event we do for free and don't have to spend money to do, but it is kind of a slap in the face to the community to purposely make a prize like that 99% unattainable. Events based on RNG are never really good events. No matter how perfect you are in participating in the event, it makes almost zero difference because it's all RNG, and that's the problem with this event.
    **In my opinion**
  • It is nice that yes, it's an event we do for free and don't have to spend money to do, but it is kind of a slap in the face to the community to purposely make a prize like that 99% unattainable. Events based on RNG are never really good events. No matter how perfect you are in participating in the event, it makes almost zero difference because it's all RNG, and that's the problem with this event.

    I'll make one addendum. RNG based events that you have the option to grind for. I was completely fine with those because you could participate AND/OR grind. You weren't bound by some arbitrary limit, only what you felt like doing. Everyone could win if they put in enough work...
    But sadly, they've moved away from any kind of grinding event, except for ones so tedious that they're hardly worth doing in the first place.
  • Will the doubhca/eclipse/hypernova boxes disappear when the event ends?
  • Mabinogi Rep: 34,365
    Will the doubhca/eclipse/hypernova boxes disappear when the event ends?

    Highly unlikely that they will disappear.
  • Requesting Bingo event extension as well, so close to my third bingo board completion that it hurts my soul :c
  • Ah yes, extend the event so every person can have these op wings. Hand us final prize on silver platter.
  • The wings aren't even that op, there are other sources of attack speed. They already gave out erg 35 something that easily costs 200m+ if your rng gets really bad and can take a long time of grinding for free. I agree that devotion and hard work should be rewarded, but rewards like these shouldn't be too power shifting like that erg 35, I know some people who grinded and was stuck in erg 35 for a year now and feel like their work wasn't at all worth it. Prizes like these marginalizes the work meant to be done in game, but the game's rng is already harsh enough.
  • The wings aren't even that op, there are other sources of attack speed. They already gave out erg 35 something that easily costs 200m+ if your rng gets really bad.

    But they are gacha ones right?
  • The wings aren't even that op, there are other sources of attack speed. They already gave out erg 35 something that easily costs 200m+ if your rng gets really bad.

    But they are gacha ones right?

    Yeah there are gacha set effects that can replace the current set effects of the wings, but there are skills in game that can also add up to the same effect up to the cap i.e relentless, candles, vivace, fh. The actual implications and effectiveness of the wings in gameplay can only be felt when using certain skills and imo isn't as game changing as being handed free erg 35 just for attendance.
  • As long as it's free it's good enough for me.
    We had a chance - cool.
    99% of playerbase didn't get biggest prize? - cool.
    In the end, i still got something. A corgi chair, some outfits, platinum and crystal hammers, etc. They all were free, so it was cool for my part.
  • I wish they would give us one more week, those of perfect attendance would have at least one chance, I know many who will need 5 or 10 stickers to do it.

    This event is designed to be almost impossible. Otherwise, tons of people would be getting 200-300m wings and the market would crash on them. It's more of a lottery system, if anything. I highly doubt they'll extend it for any reason short of the servers being unavailable for several days.

    200m-300m? Nexon has already given people free erg 35 on a basis of attendance and no rng. These wings pail in comparison to the actual time, money, and rng needed to achieve this level of erg, and there are items in game that can be used to make up for a missed opportunity like these wings. I've still been pretty salty that they've given something like that so easily that I have been grinding on for 2 years now. Speaking of how much gold it costs to reach this level on divine mineral frags alone would be around 200m already.
    I've come to peace on how free stuff isn't all that bad, it might be selfish for people like me or people who actually pay a lot of money or people who cause inflation(looking at you botters) to keep the divide in power difference between people, the market or how much something costs shouldn't dictate whether or not something should be attainable from event (bc sometimes I feel that nexon doesn't even know the level our NA player base has that they'd throw such insane stuff recklessly), but rather it should be an actual reward for the loyalty and dedication people have in the events on mabi.
Check out the patch notes for the February 18th update:

Forum Bingo Blitz

[NEW MILLETIANS] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.
If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the Nexon Forums Code of Conduct. You have to register before you can post, so you can log in or create a forum name above to proceed. Thank you for your visit!

Hyper Bingo Event

Mabinogi Rep: 20,380
Forum Bingo

Hyper Bingo Event

Mabinogi Rep: 20,380
Member, Administrator, Nexon
edited December 15, 2020 in Vault
Caravan Joe has returned after successfully infiltrating the Order of the Black Moon and wants to thank his savior for protecting him with the Hyper Bingo event! Complete the Bingo Board to earn rewards such as the new Eclipse 2nd Title, Etain Miniature, Mini Winter Outfits, and more! Check out the full details on the webpost.
Event Dates: Thursday, December 17th, After Maintenance - Thursday, January 14th, Before Maintenance


Forum Cosmic Bingo

  • I was excited when I first read about this event. If you know anything about the coupon collector's problem, though, it's obvious that even perfect attendance is extremely unlikely to reward you the wings, and it's still unlikely to reward you the gold box. The only thing that's guaranteed from perfect attendance is the title and mini because of how the dupes work, which is something to look forward to I guess.
  • the wings are pretty OP and it would make festia completely worthless if everyone got it.
  • I wish they would give us one more week, those of perfect attendance would have at least one chance, I know many who will need 5 or 10 stickers to do it.
  • I wish they would give us one more week, those of perfect attendance would have at least one chance, I know many who will need 5 or 10 stickers to do it.

    I haven't even completed my third board yet and I've had perfect attendance. Basing events off of RNG with failure isn't exactly the best for morale...
  • I wish they would give us one more week, those of perfect attendance would have at least one chance, I know many who will need 5 or 10 stickers to do it.

    This event is designed to be almost impossible. Otherwise, tons of people would be getting 200-300m wings and the market would crash on them. It's more of a lottery system, if anything. I highly doubt they'll extend it for any reason short of the servers being unavailable for several days.
  • I wish they would give us one more week, those of perfect attendance would have at least one chance, I know many who will need 5 or 10 stickers to do it.

    This event is designed to be almost impossible. Otherwise, tons of people would be getting 200-300m wings and the market would crash on them. It's more of a lottery system, if anything. I highly doubt they'll extend it for any reason short of the servers being unavailable for several days.

    Then why put it in at all? Why not put it in a gacha?
    Isn't the whole point of events to be rewarded for participation? And then only to fail despite flawless participation?
    Why should the 'market' dictate people actually getting anything they could've been trade restricted. Why has this game became more about playing the market than playing the -game-?
    As it stands right now, it's just another slap in the face. Being told that 'You can get X!' only to have no hope in actually getting it besides buying it from someone who gouges the prices, so they can do the -exact- same thing the next new item rolls around.

  • Then why put it in at all? Why not put it in a gacha?
    Isn't the whole point of events to be rewarded for participation? And then only to fail despite flawless participation?
    Why should the 'market' dictate people actually getting anything they could've been trade restricted. Why has this game became more about playing the market than playing the -game-?
    As it stands right now, it's just another slap in the face. Being told that 'You can get X!' only to have no hope in actually getting it besides buying it from someone who gouges the prices, so they can do the -exact- same thing the next new item rolls around.

    I mean instead of everyone getting something small, this event is about potentially getting something huge. It's not huge if everyone gets it though (and they do plenty of events where everyone gets the top prize for perfect participation, this just isn't one of those events).
    The bonus is that this is an event. It's free. You don't have to buy gacha to have a chance at getting the item. You can also choose not to participate. The market is important to the game creators because it impacts how and where they can make money. I doubt they would want to demolish the value of festia wings since they can potentially include it in a gachapon later and use it for profit (which is needed to keep the game running).
    tldr; if you don't like this event, there will be more opportunities to get a guaranteed prize. It just likely won't be as valuable
  • I agree that it was kind of rude to make the event so short knowing full well almost no one can complete the board all 4 times. To Maia's point of, it's a company and company needs to make money, so they make it a 0.001% chance anyone will get the wings for free so they can stick it in gacha later, sure, I can see where you're going with that, but Nexon has no problem ruining the market on expensive items in game.
    It's been done countless times where an item is released once, made super rare and super expensive, only to be released a few months later and the drop rate increased tenfold to the point where the item is worthless, so the argument of them being aware of the price and not wanting to ruin it doesn't have much validation to me. But that is just how I think about it.
    It is nice that yes, it's an event we do for free and don't have to spend money to do, but it is kind of a slap in the face to the community to purposely make a prize like that 99% unattainable. Events based on RNG are never really good events. No matter how perfect you are in participating in the event, it makes almost zero difference because it's all RNG, and that's the problem with this event.
    **In my opinion**
  • It is nice that yes, it's an event we do for free and don't have to spend money to do, but it is kind of a slap in the face to the community to purposely make a prize like that 99% unattainable. Events based on RNG are never really good events. No matter how perfect you are in participating in the event, it makes almost zero difference because it's all RNG, and that's the problem with this event.

    I'll make one addendum. RNG based events that you have the option to grind for. I was completely fine with those because you could participate AND/OR grind. You weren't bound by some arbitrary limit, only what you felt like doing. Everyone could win if they put in enough work...
    But sadly, they've moved away from any kind of grinding event, except for ones so tedious that they're hardly worth doing in the first place.
  • Will the doubhca/eclipse/hypernova boxes disappear when the event ends?
  • Mabinogi Rep: 34,365
    Will the doubhca/eclipse/hypernova boxes disappear when the event ends?

    Highly unlikely that they will disappear.
  • Requesting Bingo event extension as well, so close to my third bingo board completion that it hurts my soul :c
  • Ah yes, extend the event so every person can have these op wings. Hand us final prize on silver platter.
  • The wings aren't even that op, there are other sources of attack speed. They already gave out erg 35 something that easily costs 200m+ if your rng gets really bad and can take a long time of grinding for free. I agree that devotion and hard work should be rewarded, but rewards like these shouldn't be too power shifting like that erg 35, I know some people who grinded and was stuck in erg 35 for a year now and feel like their work wasn't at all worth it. Prizes like these marginalizes the work meant to be done in game, but the game's rng is already harsh enough.
  • The wings aren't even that op, there are other sources of attack speed. They already gave out erg 35 something that easily costs 200m+ if your rng gets really bad.

    But they are gacha ones right?
  • The wings aren't even that op, there are other sources of attack speed. They already gave out erg 35 something that easily costs 200m+ if your rng gets really bad.

    But they are gacha ones right?

    Yeah there are gacha set effects that can replace the current set effects of the wings, but there are skills in game that can also add up to the same effect up to the cap i.e relentless, candles, vivace, fh. The actual implications and effectiveness of the wings in gameplay can only be felt when using certain skills and imo isn't as game changing as being handed free erg 35 just for attendance.
  • As long as it's free it's good enough for me.
    We had a chance - cool.
    99% of playerbase didn't get biggest prize? - cool.
    In the end, i still got something. A corgi chair, some outfits, platinum and crystal hammers, etc. They all were free, so it was cool for my part.
  • I wish they would give us one more week, those of perfect attendance would have at least one chance, I know many who will need 5 or 10 stickers to do it.

    This event is designed to be almost impossible. Otherwise, tons of people would be getting 200-300m wings and the market would crash on them. It's more of a lottery system, if anything. I highly doubt they'll extend it for any reason short of the servers being unavailable for several days.

    200m-300m? Nexon has already given people free erg 35 on a basis of attendance and no rng. These wings pail in comparison to the actual time, money, and rng needed to achieve this level of erg, and there are items in game that can be used to make up for a missed opportunity like these wings. I've still been pretty salty that they've given something like that so easily that I have been grinding on for 2 years now. Speaking of how much gold it costs to reach this level on divine mineral frags alone would be around 200m already.
    I've come to peace on how free stuff isn't all that bad, it might be selfish for people like me or people who actually pay a lot of money or people who cause inflation(looking at you botters) to keep the divide in power difference between people, the market or how much something costs shouldn't dictate whether or not something should be attainable from event (bc sometimes I feel that nexon doesn't even know the level our NA player base has that they'd throw such insane stuff recklessly), but rather it should be an actual reward for the loyalty and dedication people have in the events on mabi.

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